and˹by˺ the souland He ˹Allah˺ Whoproportioned it(i.e., soul)
And (the) soul and (He) Who proportioned it,
Consider the human self, and how it is formed in accordance with what it is meant to be
And a soul and Him Who perfected i
By the Soul, and the proportion and order given to it
And by the soul and ˹the One˺ Who fashioned it,
and by the soul and He who proportioned it,
by the soul and how He formed it
And the soul and Him Who made it perfect
and by the soul and what shaped it
and any soul and whatever has fashioned it
by the soul and Him who perfected it in proportion;
by the soul and the One Who fashioned i
And the soul, and He who formed it.
And the soul and He who proportioned it
and Nafs and how He made it proportionate
by the soul and Him Who perfected i
And (by) the self and That (i.e., The Command) which molded it
and by the soul and that (Power) which designed i
and by the soul, and the One who made it well
Consider the human 'Self, and how it is capable for being balanced out
By the soul, and by Him Who perfected it
And by the soul and the proportion and order given to it
And [by] the soul and He who proportioned i
And a soul and what He made.
by the soul and how He formed i
By the soul and Him Who propertioned it
The soul and how it was integrate
and the self and what proportioned it
And the human selfhood and that (All-Knowing, All-Powerful, and All-Wise One) Who has formed it to perfection
by the soul and Him who fashioned it
And the soul and Who fashioned it
and by the soul and what shaped it
By the soul, and the proportion and order given to it
By the human and by Him who perfected him;
and by the soul and by Him Who perfectly proportioned it
And a soul and what He made.
And by the soul and what shapes it
And by the soul and Him who perfected it
The soul and Him who created it
by the soul and Who shaped i
And the soul and its perfection! -
And/by a self and who straightened it
And by the life itself which is going through evolution toward being perfect
And by oath of the soul and by oath of Him Who made it proper
And by the soul and its perfection
And by the human soul and by the One Who provided it with an all-dimensional poise, proportion and perfection
And the (human) soul and That (Mighty Lord) Who made it perfect
And by Nafs (Adam or a person or a soul, etc.), and Him Who perfected him in proportion
By the soul, and That which shaped i
by the soul, and Him who completely formed it
And the soul and what fashioned it, and taught i
By a Soul and Him who balanced it
by the soul and Him that moulded it and inspired i
and by a soul and how He unified it
By the Human Person and the One Who has perfectly fashioned him,
And the soul and how it has been balanced,
Consider the soul and the design given to it.
By the (inner) self and He Who formed it
and any soul and whatever has fashioned it
And a soul and He who normalized it.
by the soul and its mouldin
By the self (the individual consciousness; identity) and the One who proportioned it (formed the brain);
and the soul and the One Who perfected i
And by the soul and how it was made to comprehend the difference between right and wrong and how its contrary attributes were divinely inducte
and the soul and Him Who balanced it,
By a soul and what made it uniform,
By the Soul, and the proportion and order given to it
And (the) soul and (He) Who proportioned it
Wanafsin wama sawwaha
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